Using Task Cards for End of Year Review

It’s that time of year when students are scrambling and finding creative ways to beg you for extra credit, administration is on you for end of the year check-out items and you are doing everything in your power to keep your students focused on science rather...

Eggmosis – Teaching Selectively Permeable Membranes with Eggs

This post came about because I was trying to prove to my friend that I could remove the shell of a raw egg and still keep its contents in tact.  Because it takes a few days, I took pictures to send as proof and voila, not only to I have hard proof, but I have a...

Bubble Plasma Membrane Demo

Well, my New Year’s Resolution was to start adding posts to this blog to share my ideas…it’s now February so I better get my act together 🙂 Good old Punxsuatawney Phil gave us a few more weeks of winter, so better make the most of it and have a...